About Satyamjayatu

After KMM's second postdoctoral research stint in USA, this flyer was the nucleation of "Satyamjayatu: The Science Foundation", in 2001.

The experience of teaching and mentoring youngsters and involving in the social affairs of a countryside locale was an eye-opener to some unsavory realities around. Subsequently, "Satyamjayatu: The Science & Ethics Foundation" (a registered trust under the norms of Govt. of India) was realized, with the following objectives-

The overall purpose of trust activities would be to understand, sustain and optimize LIFE, with a rational and ethical perspective. The trust would serve to advance rational and ethical temperament in society. The trust activities would seek to empower societal elements with factual and verifiable information, reasoning and constructive intents thereof. This would enhance logical cause-consequence reasoning and social consciousness in general. Most importantly, the trust shall function as a catalyst for building a truly secular and egalitarian social fabric that appreciates diversities and multiplicities. This is because a diverse life pool has better chances of triumphing adversities. The trust would aim to-

(a) discourage chaotic and anarchic mass movements and encourage individualism, to enhance the scope for establishing better/greater social order, justice and opportunities,

(b) aid pursuits of earnest individuals in rational/ethical endeavors (scientific research, teaching, awareness on superstitions etc.) & recognize individuals for spreading the purpose of science/reason/morality in society,

(c) set up schools, colleges, research institutions and other centers for rational/ethical pursuits,

(d) provide youngsters a favorable environment to realize their likes; educating, training and counseling adolescents for career building,

(e) spread awareness on sexuality related issues so that individuals (particularly young adults) become confident of themselves, aspire to be responsible regarding their actions and are prepared for meeting the challenges of an evolving society,

(f) enable individuals of legally permissible age to overcome social taboos, for the pursuit of genuine relationships and matrimony,

(g) wipe out social stigmas pertaining to sexual crimes (particularly, against minors) and watch out against sexual predators,

(h) afford platforms for people of diverse age groups and demographics to draw together and synergize in pursuits of excellence in creative/critical thought, physical fitness and cohabitation,

(i) facilitate sustainable/constructive material pursuits by tracking fraudulent advertisement claims (by quality assessment of products' attributes, etc.),

(j) support and finance creative ventures (movie, documentary, television programs, media and internet materials etc.) and public interest litigation to advance the causes stated above.